Carp originates from East and Central Asia. The Chinese farmed them in lakes as early as 2500 years ago. European missionaries brought the carp to Europe, and in the 16th century, it arrived in Danish monasteries. Carp is a very cautious fish; it does not always bite the angler’s hook. In our country, carp is the most common fish.

Carp is the fish above fishes, a herbivore, and in general – its majesty, the carp. Naturally, many will object, but only carp is good when prepared in all ways: grilled, fried, boiled, smoked, baked, and open grilled on a stick.

Carp meat is tasty, easily digestible, and contains only 100-127 kcal per 100 g. It contains numerous vitamins (A, E, B, ..), minerals (phosphorus, iron, calcium), and unsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the human body. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids, which are available in carp meat in the biologically best form for humans, such as DHA and EPA fats, are essential.

Name: Common carp
Latin name: Ciprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758)
Maximum measured weight: 52 kg
Average weight: 1,5-3 kg
Maximum measured length: 1,0-1,4 m
Average length: 0,3-0,4 m
Habitat: Freshwater (rivers, lakes, ponds)

In our waters, we distinguish between two forms of carp: the body of open water carp is elongated and cylindrical, while the body of pond carp is shorter, larger with a higher crest. Farmed carp is selected to make the best use of food under controlled conditions. By type of scales, we distinguish between bare, small-scale, large-scale, and scaly forms. Pond carp is not considered an independent form. Its mouth opens to the top and can be squeezed like an accordion as it is adapted to suck food from the bottom. Of the two pairs of whiskers, the shorter ones are on the upper lips, and the longer ones are in the lip corners. Its eyes are small compared to the body. Its tail fin is well developed and deeply cut-in. Its fins are grayish, the caudal fins and the fins under the tail are orange-reddish. Their color varies depending on the habitat and origin; it is usually dark, olive green, or oily brown, with greenish yellow sides.

Carp is our most important fish from both economic and sporting aspects. It is mostly aquaculture produced and is also the most interesting fish for sports fishers (because of its size and cunning nature).

The Slavic table is unthinkable without this fish. The preparation methods are very diverse, and many of them are unknown to our consumers. For this reason, Naša riba aquaculture cluster will be especially engaged in presenting various ways of preparing this “imperial” fish.

Carp meat has excellent organoleptic properties and belongs to the group of the highest quality foods. Its meat is light pink, easily digestible, quickly resorbed, high in nutritional value, and low in calories (100kcal/100gr, i.e. 420 kj). The content of protein is 17%, fat 2-4%, and minerals 1.2%. It is a rich source of group A, D and B vitamins, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, iodine and fluorine. It has low cholesterol content (50mg/100gr) and a significant quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6). This quantity of fatty acids benefits people’s health and prevents coronary diseases. The cluster aims to increase the consumption of carp and to make it a part of our tables at least twice a week.